A willingness on the part of the responsible parent or guardian to pay school fees is a necessary condition of the enrolment and ongoing attendance of a child at Coffs Harbour Christian Community School (CHCCS).

Funding to meet the operational expenses of the school is derived from fees charged to parents as well as State and Commonwealth Government funding.

Basic Tuition Fees

Primarily contribute toward all costs associated with the provision of staff, maintenance, insurances, building and business costs.  Basic Tuition fees are billed on an annual basis at the commencement of the year.


Years K - 6

$ 930

per quarter$3,720.00 per annum

Years 7 - 8

$ 1,400

per quarter$5,600.00 per annum

Years 9 - 12

$ 1,495

per quarter$5,980.00 per annum

Family fee**

$ 3,130

per quarter$12,520.00 per annum

** If a family’s combined Basic Tuition Fees exceed $3,130.00 per term ($12,520.00 per annum), a rebate will be applied. This rebate will cap the maximum Basic Tuition Fee at the nominated family rate of $12,520.00 per annum.

Year Levies

Year Levies and Subject Levies are not included in the Family Rebate calculation.

Years K-12. These vary from year group to year group. Year levies cover all compulsory excursions and activities applicable to the year group including camps, entry to school carnivals, fun days, visiting performances, OSSA, online subscriptions such as Reading Eggs and Mathletics etc. Year Levies do not attract any rebates or discounts as they are billed as annual expenses. There is no refund for individual activities from which students may be absent.

Download: Year Levies (PDF)

Subject Levies

Years 9-12 only. Given that students in these year groups study a variety of electives, these costs are billed separately to families according to student choices at the commencement of the year. Subject levies cover materials and consumables used in practical classes, resources and compulsory excursions relevant to the study of the subject. Subject Levies do not attract any rebates or discounts as they are billed as annual expenses. There is no refund for individual activities or classes from which students may be absent.

Download:  Subject Levies (PDF)

Other Expenses


These costs are billed on a per term basis according to the sport choice selected by the student. Full payment is required prior to the commencement of the terms sport.

Optional Activities

Costs for activities which do not occur on a class basis are charged at the time of the activity. Examples of these costs are representative sport, optional workshops, mufti days etc.

Other Opportunities

From time to time an opportunity may arise for an excursion or activity which was unable to be predicted the previous year.

Fees in Arrears

Non payment of fees may jeopardise a student’s enrolment, if you are experiencing financial difficulties please contact the Accounts Department on 02 6653 4000 to discuss your situation.

Withdrawing a student from the school

As per the enrolment form agreement Terms and Conditions, Item 7 states that, “The parents/guardians will give at least one term’s notice of termination of enrolment and failure to do so will render them liable for one term’s fees, unless there are mitigating circumstances that are acceptable to the school.  Any outstanding school fees become due and payable immediately.”  Notice must be in writing and signed by the parent/guardian.