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Drama enables young people to develop knowledge, understanding and skills individually and collaboratively to make, perform and appreciate dramatic and theatrical works.

Students take on roles as a means of exploring both familiar and unfamiliar aspects of their world while exploring the ways people react and respond to different situations, issues and ideas.

NESA requirement

Drama is an elective course that can be studied for 100 or 200 hours at any time during Years 7-10 and will be recorded, with a grade, on the Record of School Achievement (RoSA).

Drama at Coffs Christian School
Drama at Coffs Christian School
Drama at Coffs Christian School

More About Drama

Students will learn about

All students undertake a unit of play building in every 100 hours of the course. Play building refers to a group of students collaborating to make their own piece of drama from a variety of stimuli. At least one other dramatic form or performance style must also be studied in the first 100 hours. Examples of these include improvisation, mime, script, puppetry, small screen drama, physical theatre, street theatre, mask, comedy and Shakespeare. Students also learn about the elements of drama, various roles in the theatre, the visual impact of design, production elements and the importance of the audience in any performance.

Students will learn to

Students learn to make, perform and appreciate dramatic and theatrical works.

They devise and enact dramas using scripted and unscripted material and use acting and performance techniques to convey meaning to an audience.

They learn to respond to, reflect on and analyse their own work and the work of others and evaluate the contribution of drama, theatre and film to enriching society.

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