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Science is a mandatory course that is studied substantially in each of years 7–10 with at least 400 hours to be completed by the end of Stage 5. Satisfactory completion of this course will be recorded, with a grade, on the Record of School Achievement (RoSA).

The study of science enables students to develop a positive self-concept as learners and gain confidence in, and enjoyment from, their learning.

Through active participation in challenging and engaging experiences, they become self-motivated, independent learners. Their understanding of science and its social and cultural contexts provides a basis for students to make reasoned evidence-based future choices and ethical decisions, and to engage in finding innovative solutions to science-related personal, social and global issues, including sustainable futures.

Investigating Science

More About Science

Students will learn about

Through their study of Science, students develop knowledge of scientific concepts and ideas about the living and non-living world. They gain increased understanding about the unique nature and development of scientific knowledge, the use of science and its influence on society, and the relationship between science and technology.

Students will learn to

In Stage 5 Science students process, analyse and evaluate data and information from first-hand investigations to draw conclusions consistent with the evidence. They work both as individuals and collaboratively to identify sources of uncertainty and possible alternative explanations for findings. In addition, students assess the validity and reliability of claims made in secondary sources. They develop skills and strategies to evaluate the methods that they and others use to develop and conduct fair scientific tests. Students also gain an understanding of the ways in which the quality of data gathered through scientific investigations can be improved, including the appropriate use of digital technologies. The skill of communicating science ideas for specific purposes and constructing evidence-based arguments using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations is further developed.

Throughout Years 9 and 10 students apply models, theories and laws to explain phenomena and situations involving energy, force and motion. They examine the changing ideas about the structure of the Earth, origins of the universe and the diversity of life on the Earth to illustrate how models, theories and laws are refined over time by the scientific community as new evidence becomes available.
In addition, students learn how scientific understanding has contributed to knowledge about global patterns of geological activity and interactions between global systems. They also analyse interactions between components and processes within biological systems and investigate the organisation of the periodic table and describe factors that influence the rate of chemical reactions.

Course requirements

Practical experiences which emphasise hands-on activities will occupy a minimum of 50% of allocated course time. All students will be required to undertake at least one substantial research project during Stage 5. At least one project will involve ‘hands-on’ practical investigation. At least one Stage 5 project will be an individual task.

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