Year 8 students must nominate their top four (4) elective courses that they would like to study in Year 9. Students first nomination should be their most desired subject that they would like to complete. The second nomination should be the second most desired and so on. The school will then use this information to place students into two elective classes for Year 9.
There is a selection process that the school uses to place students into courses. We seek to place students into their preferred courses and there are a number of selection criteria used. However, it is not always possible to allocate students their first two preference courses. Selection criteria includes (but is not limited to):
Class size; some courses have a maximum of 24 students
Year 10 priority. (Students have the option to change 1 course at the end of Year 9)
Students demand
Course openings to ensure there are enough student numbers to run courses that are less popular
If a student cannot be placed in 2 courses in their top 4 choices, Mr. Parker will approach students to make an additional choice. If a course is not quite what was expected, students may request to change a course in the first 2 weeks of Term 1. The school would then review if there is availability in the requested course.
Please keep in mind that students will also have the option to change one of their two elective courses at the end of Year 9.
I hope you find this website helpful. Please contact the school in the link below if you have any questions.
Warm regards,
Wade Parker